«Coral Mine» – натуральный продукт, производимый в Японии из глубоководных кораллов склерактиний, собранных в Японском море, вблизи островов Окинава и Токуносима.
Of the 2,500 species of coral, only white corals of the Sclerotinia family are beneficial to humans, and their structure and chemical composition are almost identical to human bone, which makes them widely used in prosthetics.
Commercial development of coral is currently underway around the island of Okinawa. The final product is called Coral Mine and is exclusively distributed by Coral Club International.
• Shredded coral
Coral-Mine regulates the mineral balance, maintains a slightly alkaline pH level, normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems.
A sachet bag placed in water enriches it with useful minerals: it restores the body's water-salt balance, has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and the digestive system, and regulates blood pressure. Promotes the growth of bone and connective tissue. It has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, has a mild tonic effect.
• Crushed coral contains about 70 vital elements: calcium - 34.6%, magnesium - 2.16%, silicon - 1.37%, sodium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, bromine, manganese, chromium , boron, carbon, zinc, selenium, platinum, silver, copper, chlorine, gold, molybdenum, etc.), L-ascorbic acid (5 mg), silver (1 mg).
• All minerals that make up the Coral-Mine complex contribute to the normalization of the metabolism of proteins, lipids and nucleic acids in the body.
• Magnesium and calcium effectively restore the work of the musculoskeletal system and promote the renewal of bone and connective tissue. Together with sodium, they regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, supporting the health of blood vessels and heart.
• Magnesium not only participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, but also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system - it helps to relieve depression.
• Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect and prevents premature aging of the body.
• It should be noted that this combination of product components is synergistic, -
that is, the beneficial effects of each component are enhanced when combined.
The product regulates the water-salt and acid-base balance and improves the general condition of the body. Normalizes metabolism and increases the body's energy reserves. Useful for sports, physical and nervous stress.
as a mineral composition for the conditioning of drinking water. Improves the organoleptic properties of water.
The product is part of the health concept Step 1 - Water the body
Among all the substances available on Earth, water, due to the originality of its physical and chemical properties, occupies an exceptional position in nature and plays a special role in human life.
The body of an adult contains about 70% of water and all biological processes are reduced to biochemical reactions in an aqueous solution - the metabolism in the body. Therefore, without any exaggeration, his health and even life itself directly depends on what kind of water a person drinks.
In order for all biochemical processes in the human body to proceed optimally, water must have a number of qualities.
Required properties of water:
1. Purity of water - the presence of impurities, bacteria, salts of heavy metals, chlorine, etc.
2. Acid-base balance of water (pH). All environments of the human body (blood, lymph, saliva, intercellular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.) have a slightly alkaline reaction. When they shift to the acidic side, biochemical processes change, the body acidifies, which leads to the development of diseases. Therefore, the water that a person uses must be neutral, and preferably slightly alkaline. This will better maintain the acid-base balance of body fluids and prevent the development of disease-causing processes.
3. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of water. Water can be an oxidizing agent, i.e. contribute to the aging process, or a reducing agent, i.e. hinder this process. ORP is measured in millivolts and can be positive (oxidation) or negative (reduction).
4. Surface tension is the degree of adhesion of water molecules to each other. The unit of measurement is dyne / cm2. Tap water has a surface tension of about 73 dynes / cm2, and intra- and extracellular fluids of the human body - 43 dynes / cm2. The lower the surface tension of the water, the better it is absorbed.
5. The structure of water. Water is a liquid crystal. Water molecules are oriented in space and have a specific structure. All water in the human body is structured, which cannot be said about tap and bottled water.
6. Mineralization of water. The presence of macro- and microelements in water is necessary for health, therefore, the water used must be slightly mineralized.
7. Information memory of water - today it is scientifically based on the fact that water perceives any impact, remembers everything that happens in the surrounding space. The water will have enough contact with the substance to learn about its properties and keep this information in its memory.
How can these indicators of water be improved?
There are only a few areas on Earth where people are distinguished by enviable longevity. One of these areas is the islands of Okinawa and Tokunoshima. Scientists have proven that the high indicators of longevity and health inherent in the population of these islands depend on the quality of drinking water. It is rich in macro- and microelements and has a number of properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body.
Since the islands are located on coral atolls, drinking water is filtered by corals and saturated with calcium ions. It is the calcium carbonate contained in drinking water that helps to neutralize the excess acidity of the body, which is the result of the consumption of acid-forming foods.
Coral Mine changes the physical and chemical properties of water:
1. Coral Mine is a powerful natural sorbent. When mixed with water, it actively absorbs chlorine compounds, harmful impurities and salts of heavy metals become neutral.
2. Coral Mine changes the acid-base balance towards alkalization. Therefore, the pH of coral water is slightly alkaline.
3. The redox potential of the coral water of Coral Mine is shifting towards negative indicators. Such water helps to restore and improve the general condition of the human body.
4. Coral Mine reduces the surface tension of water. Therefore, coral water is biologically available, “liquid” and easily digestible. This property allows the cells of the body to assimilate water at no additional cost to replenish the extracellular and intracellular reserves.
5. Corals restore the liquid crystal structure of water. When freezing, Coral Mine coral water forms the perfect snowflake structure, which indicates the ordering of the water molecules. And since all water in living organisms is structured, this property of Coral Mine coral water is especially valuable for maintaining health.
6. The unique properties of Coral Mine allow you to erase the negative memory of water and fill it with the energy of the ocean.
7. The vital minerals contained in corals saturate water with them in an amount adequate to the composition of the tissues of the human body. The content of calcium in an easily accessible, biologically assimilable form is especially beneficial for the body, since calcium performs many important functions in the human body: it alkalizes the body, ensures normal blood clotting, affects the regulation of growth processes and the activity of cells of all types of tissues, participates in metabolism, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, is a building material.
When Coral Mine is added to water, it becomes pure, structured, alkaline and mineralized. This water is easily assimilated, it carries calcium, silicon, potassium ions, hydrogen, oxygen to the cells, as well as trace elements necessary for the body.
Daily use of such water contributes to:
• reaching the optimal blood pH value;
• reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs;
• blood oxygen saturation;
• normalization of blood sugar and blood pressure;
• normalization of the kidneys, digestive system and liver;
• prevention of arthritis, increasing the elasticity of muscles and joints, restoring the normal structure of bone and cartilage tissues of the body.
Application: "Drinking mode" (1 mini-sachet for 1.5 liters of water)
Dip 1 mini-bag into a vessel with drinking water (it is allowed to reduce the amount of water by 2-3 times). Close the lid. After 5-10 minutes, the water is ready for use. Drink during the day instead of regular water between meals.
Ambulance mode (1 mini-bag per glass of water)
(in acute conditions: fever, intoxication, poisoning, pain, etc.)
Dip 1 mini bag in 1 glass of hot (50-60 ° C) water. Drink hot. It is advisable to combine with a "drinking" regime, while it is possible to reuse a mini-sachet for 1 liter of drinking water.
How to cook?
It is advisable to use filtered, bottled or settled in the evening water.
Better to use a glass jar.
If you have a trip ahead, you can prepare water in a plastic bottle.
Place 1 sachet (unopened) in 1.5 liters of water and cover with a lid.
After 5 - 10 minutes, the water is ready for use.
* Do not use carbonated water!
* Do not boil!
* Coral powder is not water soluble!
* It is advisable to use prepared coral water within one day.
How to drink?
Prepare coral water in the morning and drink 1 glass of water in small sips on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.
During the day, drink 1 glass between meals every hour (not in one gulp, but sipping for 10-15 minutes)
(according to the scheme: 30 minutes before meals and at least 1 hour after meals)
It is optimal for physically exhausted and weakened people to take coral water prepared in the evening. It has been established that such water contains the maximum amount of micro- and macroelements
How much to drink?
You can start with 1 liter per day
The amount of liquid you drink should be equal to the amount of food eaten.
Ideally, at least 1.5 liters per day, i.e. all the water prepared in the morning.
If heart or kidney problems can be reduced to 0.5 - 1 liter per day, while dissolving 1 sachet in this amount of water.
Ambulance mode
1. With an increase in body temperature (above 38.5 degrees):
heat 1 glass of filtered water to a temperature of 50 degrees (so that the finger can withstand), dip one sachet-bag CORAL-MAIN into it, cover with a lid and after 5 minutes sip everything within 30 minutes (for a child - how much he can handle, but preferably the whole glass ). Go to bed, wrap yourself up - there will be strong sweating, with the help of which the infection is removed from the body and thermoregulation is restored.
The effectiveness increases several times in combination with Microhydrin (a powerful and completely harmless antioxidant; the only exceptions are people with diseased kidneys - they first need to drink coral water with Herbal Kit No. 6 for a month, and then take microhydrin, starting with 0.5 capsules per day ). Move the sachet from the glass into a 1-liter jar of water and drink this water as often as possible, 3-4 sips (warm)
2. Do not throw away the sachets, but dry them and in the future can be used as a sorbent in case of poisoning instead of activated carbon: open 3-4 sachets, pour coral sand into a spoon, moisten so as not to inhale) and drink a glass of water.
Coral water can be instilled into the eyes, nose, ears, gargled with it in the throat and mouth to prevent ARVI.
Coral water significantly increases the absorption of vitamins and food.
To improve the skin of the face, it is recommended to rinse the face with coral water after washing.
For maximum effect, the consistency of the drinking regime is very important.
"Complications" when taking coral water:
Be prepared for the fact that in the process of drinking water you may experience complications: skin rashes (doctors identify with allergies), dizziness, weakness, frequent urge to urinate. This is fine! So the process has started, and the body expels waste in all ways and ways available in its arsenal. Such crises are called cleansing crises. There is no need to be afraid of this process. You need to understand the following: when healing moisture enters the body, which is coral water, all its cells use it to “flush” their internal environment.
In this case, metabolic waste (so-called slags) are discharged into the blood for removal. The blood carries it all to the kidney, which filters these waste products and excretes them in the urine. Up to this point, slags circulate with the blood stream in the brain and other organs, creating local intoxication, and manifested by headaches, weakness, shortness of breath.
A rash on the skin indicates a strong pollution of the body. At the same time, the kidneys themselves cannot cope with a large amount of toxins, poisons and the body connects the skin as a second powerful excretion system. Don't be alarmed. All you need to do is keep drinking water, practice good personal hygiene, and perspire with your movements.
The product is certified in the territory of the CIS countries, Europe, Ukraine.
It is not a medicine.
Release form:
10 sachets in 1 bag (Code 91655)
30 sachets - 3 bags (Code 91656)
I already want to try
A wonderful way to enrich water with essential trace elements and minerals. One bag was presented to me by a friend who regularly buys the products of this manufacturer. Now I order Coral Mine all the time, I stopped using tap water and boiled water. The goods were delivered quickly, in general, the service is excellent.